Day 15: Matt 3: 11-12. Mark 1:7-8, Luke 3: 15-18 John preaches about Jesus
John has no ego in what he is about – he knows he is helping folks get their hearts ready for the main course – he is just the appetizer, but Jesus is the entrée!
Guided reflection:
- If you had been John the Baptist, would you have been able to see your place in spiritual history and focus your “disciples” away from yourself?
- What are the two kinds of baptisms John announces? Consider: Water washes from the outside in, the spirit cleanse from the inside out!
- What can you do to help others prepare their hearts for Christ?
Guided prayer:
“All Wise God, help me to know my place in our spiritual history. Where am I to be helping someone else get ready to launch their ministry? Help me open doors for others without thinking about what is in it for me. Amen”