Lewis Center United Methodist Church

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Day 50 How to test another’s goodness Matt 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45

Guided reflection: 

Jesus is asking us to pay attention to the results of what people say, not just their words.  If you hear a new insight or truth, is it playing out in that teller’s life?  Is it working for them?  Does it “sit right” with your heart?   Just because someone proclaims it or something is in writing, does not make it truth!  Again, we have to be intentional, and think through (with the guidance of the spirit) as to what is true and what is not.  We are not to be spiritually gullible!   What comes out of your mouth?  Your words and actions show what you truly believe.  Would others be able to predict your belief system by watching you?   We know folks by watching their fruits.  Jesus’ kind of fruit is love, joy, peace, gentleness, self control….. (Gal 5:22)


Guided Prayer: “I confess to you, O God that sometimes my words and my actions do not match.  I not only need your wisdom on having my walk match my talk, but I need wisdom to know when someone else is teaching something that is not of you!  Help me have open eyes to know good from what is false.  Teach me your ways.  Amen”