Day 114 The Conditions of Being a Disciple Matt 16: 24-28; Mark 8:34-9:1; Luke 9:23-27
Guided reflection:
Now I can understand why the Disciples were thinking that walking with Jesus was going to be a great high! Goodness, Peter has walked on water; has seen people healed; watched 9000 people eat food from miracles – quite an adventurous way to life, this walking with Jesus! Can you imagine what it felt like to hear Jesus tell you that to be his disciple you have to take up a cross… you have to lose your life to save it? What are you trying to say, Jesus? What will it profit me if I gain the world… but end up losing my life for it? The MESSAGE puts it this way: Anyone who comes with me has to let me lead! Where are you having a hard time allowing Jesus to lead in your life?
Guided prayer:
“Loving God, show me what it means for me to deny myself and follow you. What does it mean for me to allow you to take over the driver’s seat of my life? Show me… I turn the wheel over to you, right now. I don’t know what end is up and what is down, so give me your eyes to see things from your point of view. Amen”