Lewis Center United Methodist Church

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Week of Dec 22nd

Ascension joy – inwardly we must become very quiet to hear the soft sound of this phrase at all.  Joy lives in its quietness and incomprehensibility.  This joy is in fact incomprehensible, for the comprehensible never makes for joy.”  (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, I Want to Live These Days With You, p. 152)  Our world insists on trusting only what we can understand and control.  No wonder we miss out on God’s gift of joy.


Come, Lord Jesus, into my world today.  May I discover and celebrate the gift of joy in the midst of the chaos and confusion of this day.   Amen.

Monday – Romans 5:1-5

Trace the line of Paul’s thought in this passage.  He begins with peace and ends up with hope.  What are all the other characteristics that follow?  He even includes some challenging ones, ones we would not likely choose for ourselves.  God can use even those difficulties to build strength and good within us.  Have you experienced this in the past?  How might God use the challenges you currently face to bring you joy?

Tuesday – Romans 5:6-11

In these few verses Paul flies from being helpless sinners apart from God to rejoicing in reconciliation with God.  How does this happen?  Who initiated this?  Who accomplished this?  How is this a reason for joy?  If this gift is the source of our joy, then nothing can stand in the way of our hope!

Wednesday – Romans 8:1-11

Paul contrasts the work of “flesh” with the work of “Spirit.”  He sees an opposite between world of flesh – or our human, self-absorbed behavior and the divine, self-giving Spirit revealed in Jesus Christ.  So in verse 1, Paul indicates that those who are in Christ Jesus are now what?  What other differences are there?  Which option would you choose?

Thursday – Romans 8:12-17

Paul continues with his comparison of the “flesh” with the “Spirit.”  If we choose to live in the “Spirit,” then what kind of relationship would we have with God?  For Romans who lived in superstitious fear of their many gods, how is this different for the Christian?

Friday – Romans 8:12-30

This is part of what “is” and “is not yet.”  God is reconciling all of creation and redeeming humanity through Jesus Christ.  Because of the cross, that is accomplished, and yet is not complete.  Consequently, we go through difficult times as we grow into God’s grace.  That is the role of the Holy Spirit – to help us grow into God’s grace.  That is why the Spirit can work all things for God’s greater good.  This happens for those who see with eyes of faith.  Consider what you are experiencing.  Can you imagine what God can do to use it for God’s greater good?  How might God use you for God’s greater good?

Saturday – Romans 8:31-39

For those who believe and trust in God, there is the assurance of God’s attentive and redeeming grace.  And this is written by a man who faced more than his share of hardship and trouble.  Yet, because he looked at life through the lens of faith in Christ, he saw God’s faithful love overcoming evil and despair and discouragement time and time again.  As you celebrate this Christmas, how can you see through the lens of faith the attentive and redeeming grace of God?