Week of Feb 16th
Do you believe in miracles? Mark certainly did. He records several in just the first five chapters of his story about Jesus’ ministry. We may think that we are enlightened in the 21st century and not so easily “fooled” as those in the first century. And yet, God continues to work in mysterious and miraculous ways. How is God doing miracles in your life?
O God, who continues to work – sometimes hidden from our eyes, and sometimes recognized only by faith. Move with your Spirit that I may witness your power and presence in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Monday – Mark 1:21-28
Jesus had just begun his public ministry. While he is teaching in the synagogue, his sermon is interrupted by a man with an “unclean spirit.” No one shot him. No one called the Safety Team. But the “unclean spirit” recognized Jesus more clearly than Jesus own family and neighbors. Jesus rebuked the spirit and the man was delivered. The witnesses were amazed. What miracles have you witnessed?
Tuesday – Mark 1:29-34
Simon (Peter) and Andrew lived in Capernaum. Simon’s mother-in-law was sick with a fever. In a world without antibiotics, what could anyone do. But Jesus healed her. She recovered so quickly, that she had the strength and energy to put together some sandwiches and chips for Simon and the boys! Many people recover from fevers with modern medicines, but this recovery was unexpected. No wonder many flocked to Jesus with their needs. What miracles do you need?
Wednesday – Mark 1:40-45
This serious skin disease or leprosy was often fatal. It was so feared that the law required victims to stay away from other people. They were to be quarantined like they had coronavirus. So Jesus reached out and touched him. I think Jesus even hugged him, and the man was healed. Which was the bigger miracle – the healing or the hugging?
Thursday – Mark 2:1-12
This is a fascinating story. We do not know if the man who was healed believed in Jesus. It was the faith of the four friends that Jesus noticed. But Jesus changed the script. Instead of healing the man, he forgave the man’s sins. This upset the local preachers. Only God had the right to forgive sins. To prove Jesus had the authority to give sins, Jesus healed the man, too. How does our ability to see miracles depend upon our faith to recognize Jesus’ authority?
Friday – Mark 3:1-6
Jesus was in the synagogue again when he met a man who had a paralyzed hand. To heal someone on the Sabbath would be considered a violation of the law, according to the religious professionals. Jesus was heart-broken at the attitude of the Pharisees. Their customs and laws were more sacred than the needs of people. Jesus healed the man. It is always the right time to do good. What good miracles wait for you today?
Saturday – Mark 4:35-41
Jesus and the disciples are crossing the sea, likely the Sea of Galilee. While doing so, a storm blew up and threatened to sink the boat. The disciples, some of whom were experienced fishermen on that same sea, were quite fearful. They awakened Jesus and begged him to do something! I suspect they wanted him to be as anxious as they were. All he did was rub the sleep from his eyes, and told the wind and the waves to be still. Immediately, the storm stopped. That likely meant they had to row the rest of the way. How can Jesus calm the storms in your life?