Gratitude is how we embrace grace face to face. When we neglect to give thanks, we miss out on the best of God’s blessings: a personal relationship of joy and peace. When we pause to give thanks to the One who blesses us generously, we see God’s possibilities for abundant and eternal life. Here are some passages about gratitude.
PRAYER – God, you are the source of every good and perfect gift. Open my eyes to see the signs and evidences of your grace every day, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Monday – Psalm 77
This is one of my favorites. Compare the tone of the first few verses with verses 13-15. What has changed? I think the key is verses 11 & 12. What if you and I made that decision every day? How would choosing gratitude change our attitude?
Tuesday – Psalm 100
Every time I visited Aunt Orie, she would recite this Psalm from memory. I realize that it is a short psalm, but Aunt Orie was 100 years old. Maybe that’s how you live to 100? She may have forgotten many other things, but she remembered how to focus her faith on gratitude to God for her life of many blessings. Gratitude is an attitude we choose.
Wednesday – Acts 16:16-34
The authorities treated Paul and Silas badly, even illegally. So Paul and Silas are buried in a dungeon with little hope. What do they do? It’s not the first thing that comes to my mind. But when we choose the attitude of faith in God, spectacular things can happen. How will you choose gratitude today?
Thursday – Acts 2:41-47
This must have been a powerful experience – the fire of the Holy Spirit infecting every believer. And one of the characteristics of this transforming experience is that the whole community gathered in praise and thanksgiving. Is it that they were thankful that new people joined the group or is it that new people joined the group because they were thankful? Things that make you go “Hmmm!”
Friday – Ephesians 5:15-21
Paul teaches the saints in Ephesus to “give thanks always and everywhere.” Is this possible? Yes, if you read verse 18 first, “Don’t be drunk with wine which leads to reckless actions, but be filled by the Spirit.” When we focus on the power and presence of God’s Spirit, we will see God work in miraculous ways. Give thanks!
Saturday – Philippians 4:1-9
This sounds like a great pep talk, until we realize that Paul is likely in prison spending his last days. In the midst of tragic and trying cirucmstances, Paul chooses gratitude and joy. Gratitude is an attitude we can choose no matter what the situation. Where do you need to choose gratitude today?