Day 234 Jesus’ promise about the next life John 14:1-14

Guided reflection:

This passage is a favorite to use at funerals, because we are saying good by to a loved one, just as Jesus was saying good by to his dear Disciples – thus to us!   Now that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God, He is actively preparing a place for us… where there is room for us – our coming is anticipated!  Jesus is the way to that next life… and He is not worried about us!   If we believe in Jesus, then we will do even greater works than Jesus did because His spirit is with us, empowering us to be the hands and feet of Christ.  Are you afraid to die?  Do you believe that Jesus is preparing a place for you?

Guided prayer:

“You do not want my heart to be troubled… so I believe in what Jesus said to the disciples.  I trust that a place is prepared for me.  I trust that my coming is anticipated and cherished.  Help my unbelief!  Amen!”