Guided reflection:
This passage is a perplexing one. However, since it is in the “prayer” section of Luke, it must be about prayer and persistence. If you ask a friend to help you out at in inconvenient time, maybe he will, not because he is your friend, but because of your persistence in asking! Is Jesus saying that we need to be persistent in prayer? That maybe God will listen to us because we keep our concern before God? The very next verse states – Ask and you will get; seek and you will find, knock and the door will open! This is not about God’s response but about our persistence in going before God!
Guided prayer
“Loving God, I want to be open to your will AND I know there are desires of my heart. So, right now, I am asking ________________ - do you hear me? I am seeking ______________ - can you help me find it? I am knocking on _______________ doors – can you help them open for me? Above all, I seek your will, not just my way. Amen”