Need a service?  A product?  Support?  We are blessed with incredibly talented men and women who are making a real impact for clients in our church and our community.   Please feel comfortable reaching out to them for your business and personal needs. 

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Love Thy Neighbor Network


Are you a business owner?   Responsible for sales?   A Manager?   Provide a service or product?    Just simply interested in today's business initiatives and topics?  Our church is blessed with members and visitors whom have amazing talents and help their business or their employer's grow and prosper.    We have an event where business professionals meet to help each other grow and prosper and ultimately become a business resource for all at Lewis Center United Methodist Church and the Lewis Center community.  If you would like to be part of a Christian business networking group geared for helping each other by passing quality business referrals and relative business information, please join us every other Thursday in the Lewis Center Kroger Market Place Cafe.  

For more information about Love thy Neighbor Networking, please contact John Berner at (614) 296-3414 or email him at or Nate Williams, Archive Data, IT and Data Storage, 614-588-4050,