Missions at Lewis Center UMC

We strive to put our faith into action and to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world.  We follow Christ's example by sharing the story of God's love, feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, encouraging the disheartened, healing the sick, befriending the outcast, etc.  At Lewis Center UMC we give our time and energy as well as our resources.  We encourage our children and youth to participate in serving others, thus developing a compassionate heart in tomorrow's world leaders.  Get your whole family involved in serving others!


People in Need, Delaware COuntry

“We help Delaware County residents with immediate emergency needs possibly created by job loss, break-up of the family, illness, death, or other unexpected financial emergencies. We do not believe we are solving all of the people's problems by simply handing out food or paying utility bills. We see the immediate emergency need as a symptom and not the problem. Our role is to provide assistance with the immediate need and to take a look at the total needs of the family unit.”

In 2022, we started a partnership with OhioHealth to support mental health initiatives in our community. We are working to plan additional events to provide mental health and grief support to our church family and those in our community.

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Church For all people

“We are a church for all people.  We give our love and offer the saving, healing love of Jesus Christ to everyone, no matter who they are or what they have done.  We create and implement ministries that bring to life our vision.”

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Our church regularly hosts blood drives for the Red Cross, helping all of those who are in need of blood transfusions. Look for information about the next opportunity to participate.


“Our mission is to resource and advocate for the education of children and young adults living in refugee camps in Sub Saharan Africa. We envision healthy, hopeful, productive and self-sufficient people, resettling and rebuilding their communities despite having been in refugee camps.”

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Common ground free store

“What is a Free Store? It’s a place where everything is free—clothing, shoes, diapers and linens, to small appliances, books and toys.  There are no income requirements, no questions and no scrutiny; only the support of people who care. God’s mercy does not come with a price tag.

Common Ground Free Store Ministries is a partnership between Delaware County churches, business, civic organizations and caring citizens. “

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“Nomads On a Mission Active in Divine Service – NOMADS provide volunteer labor for United Methodist organizations. NOMADS demonstrate God’s love through our work and by listening to the people with whom we work. We do new construction, remodeling, and repairs for churches, children’s homes, camps, colleges, outreach missions and disaster rebuilding. Team members do maintenance, cleaning, painting, electrical, drywall, sewing, flooring. With God’s help, NOMADS pretty much do it all.”