Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas. God prepared for centuries to come to earth to reveal the heights and depths and breadth of God’s grace for all the world. We have the privilege of living on this side of Christmas. That means hope, joy, and peace! Here are several passages pointing to God’s gifts in Christmas.
O God of gracious gifts, open the packages of hope, joy, and peace in my heart this Christmas. Amen.
Monday – Luke 2:8-20
When the shepherds heard the good news of Jesus’ birth, they ran to see the miracle. Ever wonder why God didn’t announce the good news to emperors and kings and priests? Maybe they can’t run? When the gospel captures our hearts, we cannot help but run towards Jesus. Where are you running today?
Tuesday – Titus 3:3-7
The purpose of Christmas is not just to sing happy songs and bail merchants out of bankruptcy. The purpose of Christmas is to offer salvation to the world through Jesus Christ. Jesus was born to reveal the extent of God’s grace for all of us. How does God’s grace give you hope?
Wednesday – 1 Timothy 1:12-17
Paul understood Christmas because he personally experienced the gift of grace through Jesus Christ. Where once he was a fearful persecutor of Christians, now he was a fervent proclaimer of the faith. How would you express your experience of the gift of grace through Jesus Christ? Makes Christmas special, eh?
Thursday – Galatians 3:27-4:7
Paul again interprets the meaning of Christmas through the purpose of salvation. Through the mystery of Christmas, we are adopted into God’s family, heirs of the gift of redemption. As you gather with your family and loved ones in this holiday season, share the good news of belonging to God’s family through the grace of Christmas!
Friday – Ephesians 2:1-10
I have a friend who loved to preach on this passage. If he didn’t start here, he finished here. It is a compelling explanation of the gospel. We are saved through grace, not by our own effort. The purpose of Christmas is to offer us grace through Jesus Christ. And the net effect of grace is that we bless others with the good works of grace. Sounds like Christmas year round! How will you bless others with the gift of Christmas today?
Saturday – Romans 5:6-11
Paul is describing the mystery of the gospel to his readers in Rome. It was dangerous to be a Christian in Rome. They understood the reality of death, even martyrdom. Recognizing that Jesus had first died for them – and us – led them to a deeper understanding of the gospel. Christmas comes to lead us to a deeper understanding of life. How will you celebrate Christmas this year?