Week of Nov 24

You know the cliché, Jesus is the Reason for the Season? Well, the thing about clichés is that there is some truth to them. We cannot forget the true meaning of Christmas. During this season of ADVENT, think about the changes you need to make so that you show that you are getting ready for God’s continued work in your life? SO, consider this: Am I ready for what Christ’s arrival means in my life?  Are there distractions in my life that rob me of the “real meaning”?

PRAYER Dear Lord, don't let us miss You this Christmas season. Help us to simplify our activities and traditions so we can focus our celebration on Your birth. Thank You for being the Prince of Peace, and I ask You for that supernatural peace to reign in our hearts. Thank You for loving us, Amen.

Monday – Psalm 122 

What is this Psalm saying about our preparation for welcoming God into our hearts and lives? What can we expect when God’s promises and the prophets’ teachings are fulfilled? 

Tuesday – Isaiah 2:1-5 

What is this scripture saying to you? What will God teach us when we go to him? How does this speak to your being prepared for what the coming of Christmas means to you this year? What tools do you need to reshape? How will you turn from the negative towards the positive?

Wednesday – Romans 13:11-14 

What is Paul telling us in verse 12?  

12 So let’s get rid of the actions that belong to the darkness and put on the weapons of light. 

How are we supposed to live? What will help and protect us? 

Thursday – Isaiah 2:1-5 

How are you living with hope right now?
What are you hoping for? (Besides the perfect gift under the tree) What can we do to be ready for what Christ’s arrival means in our lives this year? 

Friday – Matthew 24:1-2

Sometimes we think Jesus spoke in riddles, yet Jesus is clearly alluding to the death of sin AND how the temple will be destroyed 40 years later.  Also see Mark 13:1-3 and Luke 21:5-36

Saturday – Psalm 122:1-9

Advent is a seasonal time when we naturally gather together, but the psalmist is clearly reminding us that we need to continue to gather in God’s name.We’re called to come to Jerusalem (site of the Temple of God).What might this remind us to do in our local communities (clearly not fly to Jerusalem).