Children … what a gift from God! But not only are children a gift, they are an example for us as followers of Jesus. Here are several passages about children – some small and young; others bigger and older.
O God who is Father to all children – young and old: put your hand on my shoulder to guide my steps and teach me wisdom that I may grow in grace and truth. Amen.
Monday – Matthew 18:1-9
Jesus was pretty serious about children, wasn’t he? What does it mean to be great in the Kingdom? Is there a difference between being childlike and childish? Children are often the vulnerable victims of abuse or neglect. How did Jesus react to that? How do we care for children today? What are some of the ways our church is caring for children?
Tuesday – Matthew 18:13-15
In Jesus’ day children were often regarded as a nuisance. However, Jesus regarded them as important and valuable. In fact, how do children represent the Kingdom of Heaven? How should we treat children and other vulnerable people today?
Wednesday – Romans 8:12-17
In Paul’s writings, the relationship of a child with a parent often became a metaphor or example of God’s relationship to us. In this passage, how are we like children to God? How do we become God’s own children? In the Hebrew, “Abba” means “Daddy.” God’s relationship is intended to be close and intimate. If God’s children are heirs, what do they inherit?
Thursday – Ephesians 1:3-14
Paul uses the image of adoption to describe the means by which we (nonjews) become part of God’s family. How did God provide for our adoption? What blessings come to us because of this adoption? As adopted children, we receive an inheritance from God. What is it? How does that affirmation change your day?
Friday – Galatians 3:27-4:7
Paul again uses the image of adoption to describe our relationship with God. What do we do today to celebrate that adoption? Who provides for our redemption so we might be adopted as God’s own children? If we are God’s children, then we are God’s heirs. What do we inherit? How does this inheritance bless you?
Saturday – 1 John 2:28-3:3
How has God – as Father – demonstrated great love for us as God’s children? Cathy and I have 7 grandchildren. Today we had lunch with one of the younger grandchildren. Several times I called him by his father’s name. We do not know what he will become as he grows up, but he already reminds me of his father. How do we remind people of our Heavenly Father?